The ABCs of your resume

Euro Staff Solution The ABCs of your resume

You might have applied on several jobs, contacted a recruiting agency, but you’re still not getting any calls for an interview. It is quite frustrating when this occurs, but you have to ask yourself: why is this happening? Is it possible that you are not presenting yourself the right way? You might be the nicest person alive or you may be an expert in your field of work, but if your resume is poorly written there is a slim chance you will be selected for that job interview you are dreaming about.

Writing a resume can be a challenge, but the fact of the matter is that your resume has to advertise the professional you in front of the potential employer. When you contact a recruitment agency, your Consultant will do their best to represent you, but there isn’t much they can do if you haven’t given them all they need to promote you. Moreover, if the job you want has hundreds of applicants, a complete resume is the only thing that gives you any chance of being called for an interview. That piece of paper you so dread writing is your ticket to success!

Now that we have established the need for a resume, let’s go through the steps needed to create that perfect resume. Don’t forget to keep it simple, choose a clean, simple font. Here is what your resume should include:

  1. Contact Information. This is the simplest part of your CV and it is self-explanatory. Just list your information in the following order:
    – Name – it should have the largest font on the page
    – Mailing Address
    – Telephone Number
    – Email Address – make sure your email address is appropriate. Don’t use accounts such as [email protected]. If you are still using your old high school email address, it is time to create a new, professional address because the recruiter might be amused by your old email, but chances are you will not be called for an interview.
    Don’t forget to add a professional photo of you next to the contact information.
  2. Career objective. After the name, this will be the first thing the employer will see. This is the part where you get to tell the employer what you want to do at his company, be it professional development, specialization, or learning new skills, you have to show the employer that there is more in it for you than a paycheck at the end of the day. In the objective section it is important to focus on the employer need, not your own.
  3. Professional experience. This is the core of your resume. It tells your professional story. You should list your experience in reverse chronological order because it is easier to follow. Create a heading for each company you have worked for. Include your job title, the company’s name, the city and country (if relevant) and the dates of employment (month and year). Each experience should have around 3 to 5 bullet points which reflect your main duties and achievements. Don’t forget to use the past tense.
  1. Education. This section represents the founding bricks of your professional knowledge and proficiency. Try to keep it short and on point. You should include:
    – name of the university, college or technical school
    – location of the schools
    – date of graduation
    – degrees
  2. Additional Skills. This section should help strengthen your resume, but try not to overdo it. You should add here awards, honors and other activities such as volunteer work. You should also include any technical skills and additional skills. We’re talking about language skills, computer skills and knowledge of operating machinery. Try to use key skills listed in the job description, this will boost your chances.
  3. References. You should list a couple of people you have worked with and who can positively recommend you as employee. Give their names, position and a way that they can be contacted. You could also include testimonials from people you have worked with.

Now that the difficult part is over, you should give your resume the final touches. Most experts say you should keep it as short as possible, not giving too much information, leave a little extra for further discussions with the employer.

Choose a font that is easy to read and don’t change it throughout the resume and try not to make the font too small. Fonts like Times New Roman, Arial or Helvetica are classics so why not put them to good use. You can also use lines to separate sections of your resume, to give it a more organized look (just don’t overdo it).

The next step is to review your resume for any typos and grammatical errors. You should also check for any style inconsistency.

Congratulations! You have just completed the first step to getting your dream job. The resume does not however guarantee that you will get the job. You then have to know how to advertise yourself at the interview, how to answer the interviewers’ questions and other details. Moreover, if you chose to go work in another country, you should know the laws of that country and the entre hiring process. This is why it’s best to contact a trustworthy recruitment agency which will give you all the information you need and will guide you step by step.